LendUp Resources

Get credit monitoring from

With Credit Karma, you get access to your FREE Credit Score anytime, exclusive savings based on your score, tools to track your credit score and valuable credit and finance content.

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Find local government and nonprofit resources

SpringFour offers a customized list of free, local resources that can save you money. Groceries, utilities and prescriptions are just a few of the 26 different categories of assistance available in your community.

Get started with SpringFour →

Get Credit Counseling From

BALANCE is a non-profit credit counseling service with a mission to educate, inform and empower people to take control of their financial lives. To make a phone appointment with a certified credit counselor for free, please call 888-456-2227 Monday-Thursday, 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT.

Get started with Balance →

Claim Unclaimed Money From Your State

The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) links to the websites of state treasurers or state financial officials with comparable responsibilities. In most states, you can quickly search to see if your name appears within the state’s database of unclaimed property.

Search the database →

Get Your Free Credit Report

Did you know that you are able to request a free credit report from each of the major three credit-reporting bureaus each year? You can do this for free on the only website authorized by federal law.

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See If You Qualify For Free Tax Prep

Do you file your taxes? Find out if you’re eligible for free tax preparation services.

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Save Your Refund

If you expect to get a tax refund, get the most out of it by automatically saving with Form 8888.

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Each of these third-party resources is free with no obligation for payment. Some resource providers may offer additional services for a fee. LendUp is not affiliated with, nor does it receive payment from, any of these providers.